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Environmental pollution is an increase in energy in an ecosystem such as radiation, heat, noise, or an increase in the amount of various substances in their liquid, solid, or gaseous forms in a way that the system loses its ability to analyze, dissipate, recycle, or transform it into non-resulting substances. Any damages, and environmental pollution can be divided into three main sections, namely: soil pollution, water pollution, and air pollution. Modern societies include other types of environmental pollution, such as: light pollution, plastic pollution, and noise pollution.[1] Environmental pollution is a global problem; Because it affects different types of life, and causes many negative consequences for human health and well-being, and has negative effects on the environment and the life of organisms in general, as all living things, small and large, depend on the components of the earth from water and air, and its pollution leads to the exposure of these neighborhoods to danger, Environmental pollutants also affect urban cities more than they affect rural areas.[2] Types of environmental pollution air pollution Air pollutants can be divided into invisible pollutants, and visible pollutants such as smoke that rises from factory chimneys or that exits from vehicle exhaust, as these pollutants cause many dangerous effects on human life; It increases the incidence of many diseases, in addition to causing shortness of breath and burning eyes, and air pollution may lead to rapid death in some cases, such as what happened in 1984 in a pesticide factory in India, and this accident resulted in the release of a poisonous gas in the air, causing permanent injuries to hundreds of thousands of people, in addition to the deaths of more than 8,000 people in just days.[2] air pollution sources The sources of air pollution fall under four main sections, namely: [3] Mobile sources: These are produced by vehicles, planes, buses, trains, and others. Fixed sources: These are produced by various industrial facilities, oil refineries, and power stations. Zone sources: These are produced from agricultural areas, and from wood-burning fireplaces in cities. Natural sources: These include pollutants from volcanoes, forest fires, and wind-borne dust. Air pollution hazards According to the Air Quality Index, the total lifespan of the Earth's population will decrease significantly if the levels of air pollution in fine particles remain as they are today; That is, about 1.8 years will decrease from the average lifespan of one person, which is estimated at about 74 years, but if people around the world commit to reducing the proportion of particulate air pollution to about 10 mg / m3 according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, it is expected that the average lifespan of each individual will increase by the same amount,] 4] The danger caused by air pollutants is not less when compared to the risks caused by many other harmful substances, such as: smoking, contamination of drinking water with sewage, fear and panic, and this means that the harm of air pollutants exceeds the damage caused by diseases and substances mentioned. [4] Ways to reduce air pollution Air pollutants can be reduced by reducing the amount of fuel burned through: [5] using public transportation, bicycles, or even walking instead of using personal cars; To reduce fuel combustion. The use of electric cars, or cars with high fuel efficiency. Using wind or solar energy to generate electricity instead of relying on power plants that operate by burning fuel. Purchasing local foods instead of imported ones, which leads to a decrease in the amount of fuel that trucks burn during internal or external transportation. Support officials who take various measures to maintain proper air quality. To learn more about air pollution, read a research article on air pollution. Water pollution Water pollution is defined as the presence of some undesirable biological, physical, or chemical substances, which change the properties of water, such as: taste, smell, and sometimes turbid water, and cause many different damages to living organisms, but there are some pollutants that are not It has obvious effects on water, such as: the presence of some chemicals and microorganisms that transmit diseases, and as a result of health problems that polluted water can cause, it is forbidden to use it in agricultural activities, and it is forbidden to use it for drinking, washing, and bathing; The percentage of people infected with diseases varies according to the type of pollutants, and the percentage of their concentration.[6] sources of water pollution The sources of water pollution are divided into direct and indirect sources: [7] Direct sources: It includes all sources that drain various liquids directly to the water supply places located in urban areas, and these pollutants include liquid waste t
hat is discharged from refineries, factories, and waste treatment plants, and although many countries of the world organize the mentioned activities, However, this does not mean that the water is completely free of contaminants. Indirect sources: They include atmospheric pollutants that are accompanied by rainwater when it falls and resulting from some human activities, including: activities that lead to the emission of gases from smoke arising from the activities of factories, bakeries, driving cars, etc., and pollutants that seep from the soil into Groundwater sources in the ground due to erroneous human practices such as the incorrect disposal of industrial waste, and the adoption of many harmful agricultural activities such as fertilization and spraying of pesticides. To learn more about the sources of water pollution, you can read the article What are the sources of water pollution? Water pollution risks produces many

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