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Australians are entering our most dangerous time of year for fatal drownings. So what can you do to keep yourself and loved ones safer this summer? December 14, 2021 In a changing region, Australia’s relationship with South Korea has been ignored for too long Jeffrey Robertson, Yonsei University The two countries are on fundamentally different pages when it comes to regional security, and this is going to become more of an issue in the future. December 8, 2021 Espionage is set to overtake terrorism as Australia’s top security concern – are our anti-spy laws good enough? Sarah Kendall, The University of Queensland Spies have changed since the days of the Cold War. The sort of information they seek is much broader than just military or intelligence secrets. November 29, 2021 Scanlon survey shows community fears about COVID can spike quickly, as governments face Omicron Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra The Scanlon Foundation Research Institute’s 2021 Mapping Social Cohesion Report found that while concern about the pandemic ebbs and flows, COVID has not shaken the nation’s social cohesion. November 25, 2021 Vital Signs: Cautious on rates, strong on climate action – meet Lael Brainard, Biden’s new pick at the US Federal Reserve Richard Holden, UNSW Sydney Brainard has been pushing the Fed to consider exposure to climate change in its regulation and analysis of banks. That’s sparked fury from Republican senators – and even a Nobel Prize winner. November 22, 2021 Australia’s marine industries deliver $80b a year. But without more scientists, the ‘blue economy’ is at risk Toni Moate, CSIRO; Anthony Boxshall, The University of Melbourne; David Souter, Australian Institute of Marine Science, and Michelle Heupel, University of Tasmania Australia’s ‘blue economy’ needs a strong basis in marine science. November 14, 2021 Are you kidding, India? Your last-minute Glasgow intervention won’t relieve pressure to ditch coal Bill Hare, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Rather than slow the decline in coal use, India’s actions at COP26 ensure it and other polluting nations, including Australia, will be under even greater scrutiny. November 14, 2021 Australia has not just had a ‘diplomacy fail’ – it has been devaluing the profession for decades Melissa Conley Tyler, The University of Melbourne Post Macron and Morrison, what exactly is diplomacy and why is it in decline? November 11, 2021 ‘Try harder. Try harder’: Today, COP26 negotiators will fight to save life on Earth. The next decade will reveal if they succeeded

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